A new study has linked chocolate with depression once again. The record merely tells us what our intuition already knew-chocolate helps us feel better. But how? What's the hypothesize we tend to crave chocolate more while Pms?
The researchers hum and haw about the correlation and the potential reasons for it. It's not like we haven't figured this one out yet. Thanks to Dr. Joel Robertson, the world preponderant devotee on neurotransmitter health, we know exactly how chocolate is linked with mood. Chocolate increases mood linked neurotransmitters, works on the same receptors as marijuana, and adds a tiny bit of caffeine to boot.
What are the differences between antidepressant meds and chocolate? Antidepressant meds regularly boost serotonin levels alone, though a few growth both serotonin and dopamine (ie, Effexor). Medications growth these neurotransmitters in All parts of the brain, leaving us with nasty side effects like weight gain and loss of sex drive (and isn't that depressing??). Chocolate only boosts these neurotransmitters in the parts of the brain that need it.
As if that weren't enough, chocolate works on the same receptors as marijuana, too. Smoking a joint fills the receptors reserved for endocannabinoids, and the only other ways to fill these receptors are through chocolate and exercise. Throw in a tiny caffeine for extra dopamine and chocolate is the excellent mood improving substance for whatever needing a boost.
Chocolate is one of many mood altering substances out there. In fact, we spend most of our time doing one thing or an additional one to modulate our moods. Music, sunshine, Vitamin D3, medication, exercise, sex, alcohol, sugar, time spent in nature, and talking with a friend growth our serotonin levels. Music with an irregular beat, high intensity exercise, risky behaviors, daredevil activities, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine, coffee, chocolate, and proteins growth dopamine. Even activities like frantic "errand running," procrastination, and risky decisions alter our mood linked neurotransmitters.
Am I recommending that you self medicate with chocolate? Not really, but a tiny dark chocolate never hurt anyone. It clearly doesn't work to cure depression since we continue to eat it over and over again. Eating too much of it will spike your insulin and add pounds, which isn't good for condition or mood.
So is there whatever else that increases serotonin, dopamine, and endocannabinoid levels at once? Yes! Read on, my friend!
Exercise not only boosts both neurotransmitters, it rebalances mood linked transmitters while releasing a factor that helps our brain grow new brain cells. The factor released from our muscles while practice is like Miracle Gro for the brain, helping us grow new brain cells that can hold new information. practice practice also releases endocannabinoids that fill those receptors linked with marijuana and can unshrink the parts of your brain that depression tends to shrink (like the hippocampus).
The take home message: practice for at least 30 minutes a day at 80% your aerobic threshold because the only thing best than feeling happier is feeling happier, being healthier, and getting smarter.
The Real Story on Chocolate and Depression
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